Sunday, March 21, 2010

Loads and Loads and Loads of LAUNDRY

I have been very busy this weekend.

I spend a lot of time doing this...

That's right. I have A LOT of laundry.

I fold all my clothes on piles in my room then when I get done I put everything up at once.

The piles get REALLY high!

Notice how awesome my TV is. My husband won it at work.
It was probably the luckiest day of his life.
Then he came home and mounted it on the wall (added a new plug and everything).
He literally worked on it until midnight.

Don't try that yourself.
He is an electrician.

It sounds like he is handy to have around, but don't get too excited.

He hardly ever fixes things at our house...
it's the "shoemakers kids don't have shoes" type of thing.

The main reason I am blogging is to let you know that besides laundry I have been crafting my booty off this weekend!

I made Ispy bags, Presley's easter dress, freezer paper stencil shirts, a fabric covered initial, and lastly I got in a beautiful new necklace in the mail.

Check back throughout the week for updates and pictures on all my projects.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

High Roller

Did you know that Elvis had a TV and a phone in his car?


I saw it myself at the Country Music Hall of Fame in Nashville.

It was awesome.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Head Band Model

You waited all day for it...

It's a lot cuter on her head, right?

I think so.

Cooper (who normally hates pictures) got super jealous this morning when I took these so I had to take a few group shots.

You are seeing that right. He's drinking a juice box for breakfast. He had to drink it to wash down his gummy bear breakfast.

Don't judge me.
I have a stressful job so pick my battles.
I wasn't up for a war this morning. :)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Funky Head Band

First of all let me say that I wasn't going to post tonight. I was planning on staying up and eating Little Debbie cakes while I watched Mercy, but I got online to check my blog really quick and something amazing happened...

I have a follower! (Hi Meg!)

So in honor of this awesome event I stayed up late to do my first tutorial.

For this you will need some scrap trim, scrap fabric, headbands, and a covered button kit. Oh and the regular thread and hot glue gun sort of stuff.

By the way in future post you might notice a lot of head band type project... that's because I have a very bald baby girl.
First sew a straight line down the flat part of the trim. Don't stitch back and forth like you normally would because this stitch is going to be used to ruffle up the trim.

So to ruffle the trim you just take one of the threads from where you just sewed and pull it and... Ta Da!

Next we need to cover a button. This is one of my favorite things to do because it is SUPER easy (you don't need anything except fabric and the button covering kit which you can by at Walmart for like $2-3) and you can add them to anything for instant cuteness!

I wanted to mention that the covered button kit comes with instructions on the back in case this gets confusing. Basically you just cut out a big circle of fabric. Then set down the white rubber part of the button kit.

Next put the circle of fabric down over it and the front of the metal button on top of that. Push the pieces inside of the white plastic thing (Sorry for my lack of terminology).

Tuck the fabric inside the metal button front then put the back on top of the tucked in fabric. Use the little blue tool to push it all together.

When it comes out it should look like this...

Sorry it is so blurry. I couldn't figure out why my camera was taking such blurry pictures but then I figured out that it was zoomed in... go figure.

Next you should wad up the trim in a circular motion and sew the button in the center.

It will look sort of like a flower. Lastly you would just hot glue it to a head band, but because this is for my baby girl I sewed the end of the head band together to make it a tad bit smaller.

When you finish it should look like this... (please excuse my man hands)

I know that you would much rather see it on my beautiful baby girls head, but she is asleep. She has welcomed in two new teeth this week so she was worn out tonight. Tomorrow's post will include a picture of her sporting her new accessory I promise.

I thought this was a relatively easy project but once you break it into tutorial steps it was harder than I thought. Who would have thought it was so hard to make a tutorial.

I guess I won't have time to clean up this...

Thank you for the inspiration to blog tonight Meg!! Come back tomorrow for pictures of the head band in action.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Family Rules

A while back I read this post over at the Pleated Poppy and well let's say I quickly added it to my to do list. I made it a few months ago and it hangs over our table in our dining room (/office /sewing room /homework room /kitchen) :)

I wanted to use fabric like Lindsey, but I was short on time so I just painted mine. Well actually I painted the background and tree then wrote my rules in sharpie. ;)

Most of the rules came from her board or other boards that she linked too but a few of them were originals...

1. Thank the Lord for this day, this family, and this home
2. Sing silly, Dance crazy, Hug often
3. Keep your promises
4. Be thankful for what you have.
5. Use kind words. Always tell the truth
6. Hands are for hugging not hitting.
7. There is no "mine" in this house. It's all God's.
8. Encourage your siblings. Share in their joy.
9. Use your manners. Always give to other first.
10. Don't forget to laugh at yourself
11. Love the Lord your God.

One day I might re-make it and spend a little more time printing out fonts and putting fabric on the board, etc etc.

My favorite rule... "Be thankful for what you have."

"Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Just Another Day in Paradise

Yesterday it was 60 degrees. I would say it was the first day of the year that could be considered "spring" so of course we went to the park.

Presley mainly just stayed in her sling with mama. She did swing once, but I didn't get a picture because she threw up after about 2 minutes... just like her daddy.

Cooper on the other hand could have done it for hours.

The best thing about the day was that Bobby and I had a chance to watch Cooper playing with a lot of other kids.

We were very proud to find out that he is a nice kid. Kids would drop their toys and he would pick them up and find then to return them. He would run into other kids and then say "'I'm sorry." If we wanted to play something and someone else did too he would let them go first.

It was a very proud moment.

What a perfect day.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Busy Bee

As of now I consider myself more of a blog reader than a blog writer. I check my favorite blogs everyday, and I get a little upset when there isn't an update. Since I have had all of one post I am starting to understand.

It's hard.

I work full time so once I get home, get dinner made, bath two kids, play, then get everyone to bed, I am pretty tired. By this time I could stay up a little later to write, but I am not sure at this point what to write about.

I want to have tutorials on crafting and sewing and recipes and things that are actually helpful. I know the blogs that I like to read and I want to be like that.

If you come across this blog just know that it is a work in progress.

Since you are just getting to know me, I thought you might want to see what it is that's keeping me busy.

Life couldn't get much better than that. ;)